The right has lost their collective and individual minds. I believe in calling a spade a spade—and the primary reason conservatives are so upset, throwing bricks through congressmen’s doors, spitting on senators, shouting epitaphs is simply because a black man is president. And, now he’s cemented himself in history as being the 1st American President, of any hue, to pass health care legislation. For conservatives it’s a living nightmare. How could this have ever happened? How could they have allowed a black man to become president? Well one reason was that we had 8 years of a blithering idiot who thought Africa was a country. According to polls, one of the main reasons Bush got elected was because the public thought he was someone you’d like to have a beer with. A beer with? Is that how conservatives want to elect the leader of the free world, whether he’s the type you’d want to get drunk with or not? Okay, considering Palin and Joe-the-plumber I guess so. But, wouldn’t it make more sense to want the president to be someone you’d have a single malt scotch with? I was for Hillary myself. Not necessarily popular with my brothers and sisters but home-Sally knew her shit. She didn’t need cue cards or a Sharpie stained palm to give a speech. And, Hillary was very specific—while Obama is often (then and now) only generally specific. Also, I felt Obama hadn’t been around long enough. He hadn’t accumulated enough favors. What back door deals could he finesse? But Hillary fucked up, hired the same PR firm that managed Union Carbide’s environmental disaster in India, and then she got ugly. I shook my head when Obama won the Democratic nomination. I thought, you have perhaps the worst President in history leaving office and you put up a black man? Okay that’s one thing—but his name is Hussein Obama—can’t the democrats do anything right? The presidency is being handed to them and they nominate a Black man with a Muslim name—the very name of the supposed master mind of 911. They just wanted to lose. Then, the republicans select Sarah I-don’t-know-what-journals-I-read Palin and their nightmare is alive all over again. A Black man becomes President. Then one of the 1st things the Obama’s do (aside from bail out the banks and work on health care) is start a victory garden at the Whitehouse—God forbid please don’t harvest watermelons this summer.
Bright,to the point and funny too. I couldn't have said it better myself!