Monday, May 4, 2015

Turn Out the Lights


“I can’t make love with the lights on,”

you say,

not breathless the way Marilyn Monroe

sang to JFK,

but breathless like the last few minutes

Of Perry Mason

when the witness,

after lying for 50 minutes

suddenly confesses

because there’re only 10 minutes left

and they need a commercial.

You’re frightened that your body

won’t stand up to scrutiny.

Don’t you realize that I love you?

Despite my dark eyes

there isn’t dark around my eyes,

I’m not the Raymond Burr raccoon

I’m sorry you feel you have to shave

your legs


your eyebrows.

You’re caught in the dichotomy of looking


but somehow not wanting to be noticed.

I’m sorry that you can only find

push-up bras

or extremely padded ones,

you want to de-emphasize your breasts

not emphasize them.

I think it started when Gloria Steinem

usurped Betty Friedan.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Our Language Is So Limiting

God is Essence

Our limited thinking makes it hard for us to not think of God as being a male deity--which intellectually we know is so silly, and at the very least limiting.  Even if one points how Jesus refers to him as the father, that is only because our limited minds couldn't think of anything that wasn't animal, plant, mineral, or man,. Would it seem silly to call God a Daisy? I guess now it may seem silly to some.  But, is love male or female?  Love is both good and bad, "Boy do I love me some smothered-fried-chicken, mashed potatoes, mac & cheese, biscuits with lots of butter, cobbler and ice cream."  When I taught high school my analogy was always a rose--a simple to point out the beauty and the thorn.  To me God is the ultimate expression of love and for our puny brains to express this is impossible, our language is so finite. 

Saturday, April 4, 2015

The Heart Has A memory

The Heart Has A Memory

I will dance with you tonight
But I won’t eat your stuffing
I will stroke your cheek in the sun
But I won’t put marshmallows
on the candied yams.
I have done away with want and desire of the temporal,
my dreams that happen during the day aren’t
really dreams at all,
they are the visual expressions of my heart;
my heart charges into a burning building
with no way out
but the soul wants to learn the way
to the next phase of eternity,
the pain and loss
that any true love has.
How forever after is never
when sex is not love
 and one becomes disenchanted like the 7 year old
that doesn’t believe in Santa Claus,
so we reach out
to a shadow sliced by the sun.

Saturday, March 28, 2015


low gear
for Donald Sterling


Low gear everybody down
low gear we're gonna hunt you down
we're sure to find your neighbor
we're sure to find your pal
then we'll tie you up and drown you in the Erie Canal.

The whole country
is operating on the lowest gear
it's the fear
that the fox
gives the American public,
traps them in a box
as if the government
isn't comprised of people
it's so simple
it's like pinching a pimple,
but the mind is the thing
being squeezed
and then we drop to your knees
start begging please
get rid of those over there
it's not fair
that they're taking our jobs
and we don't care
they're not like us
and we don't mean to make a fuss
but sleeping with the same sex is obscene
               what I mean
is God said love your neighbor as yourself
but he didn't mean them
and he didn't mean those that've sneaked across
the border in droves
we mean people like us, just ask Jerry Buss
he knew everything
but don't ask Donald Sterling