Picture Perfect
Wow it’s picture perfect
another family portrait.
Now let’s dissect it.
To look at those pics now
makes me kind ‘a shutter,
to talk about it could make me stutter.
It’s ironic how puns and coincidences
just run amok in our lives
and it’s really no surprise.
It’s like the adverb amok
I’m so struck how I can’t hear that word
without being floored
let me be completely aboveboard
I learned that word from reading the Incredible Hulk
that ain’t no joke
nor the memories it evokes
what I’m about to say
will give you heatstroke.
I first encountered that word when I was in 4th grade
and I’m afraid I
learned so many words from Marvel Comics
so many words they swim in my head like a painting from Jackson Pollack
back when the age was newly atomic
not one word did I
learn from D.C. comics
they should’ve been abolished
they were almost moronic
but back-in-the-day when I had comic books
strewn all over my room
those same comics today are as valuable as heirlooms
back when Jack was behind the counter at Jack's on
back when all our lives were so homespun
before I even knew Jack
had a daughter named Nancy
back when having a Cadillac was so utterly fancy
we would go on these family picnics on Saturday’s ,
sometimes Sunday’s.
If someone wanted to take our picture
I’d sit on my mom’s
That was the only time mom ever held me as a kid
whether I was good that day—no matter what I did
back before time-outs
when discipline was carried out with a switch or the
if we were getting our picture taken
she’d only let me sit
on her lap so I could fit in the frame
it’s as if I her youngest she didn’t want to claim,
other than those times she rarely even touched me
let alone held me.
let alone held me.
But when she did hold me,
and my mom clasped
her hands around my waist
I remember rubbing her fingernails
That’s the one time her love I could taste.